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17 October 2022

Info Midterm Review Notes

by Yucheng Zhang

layout: post title: “Key concepts for reviewing INFO midterm” date: 2022-10-17 16:30:00 categories: Notes tags: info1200 —

Terms and definitions

Theme #1 Computing Ethics

Soft Determinism
Determinism and free will are compatible, that human action can be both predetermined but free.

Soft Control
Controlling ideas, ways of thinking, info, and technology. Examples include forced office hours, work in an office, strong terms and contractual obligations.

Social Shaping
The argument that technology is not neutral and is shaped by the dominant social, political, and economic values of the society.

Social Construction
Society shapes the development path of technology.

New Jim Code
Technology reflects the institutional racism within the society. Examples include predictive policing and “Malcolm X boulevard”.

Prop 22
Law that classifies app drivers as independent contractors. This act deprives rights and benefits from Uber drivers.

Maximize the social benefit created.

Ethical framework/approach
Common good: greater good of society.
Deontological ethics: morality of an action is based on the action itself and a set of rules, but not the consequences.
Utilitarianism: Process in which the ends justify means (subjectively).
Virtue: builds moral virtue.
Fairness: impartial, equal to all.

Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance.

ABC Test
Three-factor test to determine whether a person is considered employee or independent contractor.

standpoint epistemology
Authority is rooted in individuals’ personal knowledge and perspectives and the power that such authority exerts.

patent infringement and The Treble Damage Clause
The statute permits a court to triple the amount of the actual/compensatory damages to be awarded to a prevailing plaintiff.
