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Lab7 - Webmap
This map investigates extreme weather's impact on shoreline properties
in New York City. With a special focus on public and affordable housing, the map will illustrate how
vulnerable groups are disproportionately impacted by climate change.
Lab8 - Webmap
With rising sea levels from climate change and the promise of more flooding, which areas and who will
likely be most affected? How is affordable housing construction responding to this?
Lab9 - Webmap
Evolving from previous web maps, this week's web map highlighted affordable housing in NYC by types.
The map also experienced with popups to show how these houses will be impacted by future flooding, with a
"fly" option to zoom into selected neighborhood.
Lab10 - Story Map
This week's web map is a Storytelling map created with Mapbox's storytelling tools. The map allows
users to zoom into the neighbourhood of study - Red Hook Houses - by scrolling down. The visualization is
accompanied with animations, descriptive text, and images.
Lab12 - Multi-media Story Map
Built upon last week's webmap, this week's web map is a multi-media Storytelling map created with
Mapbox's storytelling tools. The map introduced new elements such as video, full-screen images and
text boxes, and interludes.
CRP 5850, Final Map
Under construction...